Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Extra Special, Multiple Post Oil Extravaganza (Part 3)

If you're getting sick of the extra special, multiple post oil extravaganza, too bad, we're only half-way through. This blog will focus on the social impact of a world without oil.

It would really suck to be around for it

Before I say anything, I just want to say I'm basing this entire blog on what I know about history and people. My assumptions make up about 96.3% of this blog (bureau of labor statistics 1). This is what I and many others believe will happen in a world without oil...then again, who knows. Maybe it will all work out and everyone in the world will rally together and help out one another...I don't think so either.

If oil was gone people would freak out. And I'm not talking sixteen-year-old-girl at the twilight premiere freakout (although scary as shit). I'm talking world war freakout. The kind that kills millions. Oil drives the world economy. It also is crucial for everyday life to pretty much every western living human. Oil is commonly known to be the number one traded good in the world. So if it all runs out, we're hosed. One of the first things that will happen is everyone will run to the gas station and pump as much gas as they can get. Riots will insue from the panic and major cities will become extremely dangerous.

After failed attempts at negotiations, countries will begin fighting over what little reserves the world has left. The skirmishes will escalate in to all-out war. Some claim the drive behind present and past wars in the middle east is oil and the United States' pursuit of it.

That's just a taste of events me and my fellow group mates perceive to occur in a world without oil. It sounds really fun and at the rate we're going-I'll see you there.

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